June 2010
Hello again viewers! First and foremost, I would like to apologize for the long hiatus. Thank you to those who took time to drop us a note inquiring about our latest additions and not to mention those who are concerned with the long silence. IDILIA is still active while I on the other hand, have been embarking on new adventures since last December. We are already half way through the year (time sure flies fast) and I hope the past 6 months have been as rewarding for you as it has for me. 

I had the privilege to perform Umrah a couple of months back which was a truly spiritual and humble experience for me. Having to spend 14 days on the Arab soil, I took note of the things happening around me. It was fascinating that our very own Bahasa Melayu is widely used there. Everyone from the Arabs, Bangladeshis, Indians, Turkish, etc speak fluent Bahasa Melayu and I believe there would not be a single case of "Lost in Translation". Perhaps this is because the Malaysians and Indonesians form the biggest group and like it or not, we do contribute to their economy especially with our shopping escapades. The shops are small but filled with goods. One worth mentioning is the Jubah shops. When I stepped foot in Mekah the first time 20 years ago, jubah was nothing more but a plain black long dress, over-sized and boring. Now, they're dazzled with beads, embroideries, laces and you can find one in so many colours that they have become the "in" thing. I also saw quite a number of Malaysians dressed in our signature batik jubah, mostly made of soft chiffon silk material that not only complements our petite Asian figures but also appear very fashionable without compromising our Islamic values. I'm sure the jubah too, like anything else will evolve to greater heights and I am one of those few who are waiting in anticipation for the next "jubah" generation. 

I have plenty more stories to tell but let me save it for our next "issue". As promised, we have a new collection this time around and why wait any longer...click on "A feast for the eyes" and prepare to "uhhhh" and "ahhhh". *big smile*

~Idrila Idris~ 

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    "Beauty is indeed in the eyes of the beholder. But making an effort to look presentable does not only make you feel good about yourself but it shows the amount of respect you have for the people around you"
    Idrila, founder of IDILIA.

